Biesbosch Museum Visitor Center


Frequently asked questions and contact

Answers to questions visitors often ask us.

Frequently Asked Questions

About the museum

  • Can I pay in cash?

    Ja, maar we hebben liever dat je per pin of telefoon betaalt.

  • Is the museum accessible to someone in a wheelchair?

    Yes, the museum is easily accessible for people in wheelchairs. Also, one of our tour boats has a wheelchair elevator.

  • What does the big red artwork on the island represent?

    This work was created by artist alaa minawi in 2020. Alaa is a Palestinian-Lebanese artist living in the Netherlands. The work is called "Waiting for it to end" and symbolizes waiting for the end of World War II.

  • Can my dog come into the museum?

    You are not allowed to enter the museum with your dog. Dogs are also not allowed on the whisper boat. In the freely accessible areas in National Park de Biesbosch you may bring your dog (on a leash). The dog is allowed on our terrace.

  • Can I also buy a souvenir from you?

    In our free museum store we sell souvenirs, postcards and books about the Biesbosch.

  • I would like to have information about the area, is that possible?

    You can visit the free visitor center for information and leaflets. Our staff will help you as best they can.

  • May I borrow a book from your library?

    Unfortunately no. Our books belong to our collection and we are very careful about it. You may, however, view books or reports. Make an appointment with our curator for this. He is present on Wednesday morning.

Cycling and parking

  • Why are there no trash cans in the parking lot?

    Because the parking lot belongs to the municipality and there is no way for them to empty it. On the museum grounds there are trash bins for small waste. You can make use of these.

  • Is parking free?

    Yes. To best accommodate everyone, we have a large parking lot out front. Will you please make sure to park neatly in one space?

  • May I stay overnight in the parking lot with my RV?

    No, the parking lot belongs to the municipality and it does not allow this.

  • My bike has a flat tire, can I get help from you?

    Yes, we won't let you walk home. Even if you don't visit the museum.

  • Can I charge my electric bike with you?

    Yes, there is a charging station in the parking lot. You may use this for free.

  • Where can I park my bike?

    At the MuseumEiland we have a space next to the parking lot where you can park your bike. Please note, lock it properly! You are responsible for this yourself.

About boating

  • What time should I be present if I have booked a boat trip?

    If you join a boat trip, be sure to arrive 15 minutes in advance.

  • Can I come for a boat trip alone, without a museum visit?

    Of course you can - but it would be a shame. You get the museum visit for free with a boat trip. But: of course you can.

  • Can I take my dog on the boat?

    No, this is not allowed. Dogs are not welcome on the boat either.


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